First of all, congrats to my high school friends whose exam results had been announced yesterday afternoon. Of course, I didn't forget my elementary school and junior high school friends too. Congrats, to all of them.
Their achievement in high school somewhat made me sick. I felt awful, that is why I tried not to speak to any of them on chats or emails right now..
What? You want to know why? Piss of, I have no whatsoever right to tell you my problems. Don't ask anymore, 'cause I might probably slam my iPhone to the wall.
I'll just focus on the fucking 'cutesy' business plan for Ross Summerfield now, and probably present it this Thursday and print it and submit it to him and never come back for his class as I am going to bid goodbye and farewell to him.
Oh shit. I can't bid him goodbye yet. I still haven't known the results of that University, whether they can guarantee my entry next year or not. If they have, then I still have to tell Ross about canceling my Diploma course.
I just woke up, you know? It's 09:49 now (when I typed until here) and I am eating some kind of breakfast I have never met before, chicken soup+macaroni+some grinded meat scattered in the soup+frozen peas and carrots from supermarket. But it is actually quite good and I plan to use this menu for my lunch after my honey mustard stock for salad is finished. I need to finish it now today... need to peel some apples again. Fuck.
I still have:
-business plan
-hair saloon team work project
to do.
And don't mention the case study Peter Heywood gave us all, and it seems like he will have our assessment on the very last week of this course (probably 8 June) and his case studies are fucking boring. In the first class, I thought it was better, since there are only 5 of us from the original class. Now including those fast-track-mostly-chinese-vietnamese-and-pakistan-people, it has become boring and I would always sit at the back, no matter what. For what, you asked? To daydream and sleep of course!
Sometimes I would think, that I am really wasting my parents' money if I go to class and daydream, but it can't be helped. Ever wanted to pee so badly but the bathroom is in use? That is the kind of feeling. I wanted to concentrate so badly in my mind, but my body won't listen, and it kept forcing me to close my eyes or forcing my fingers to pick up the pencil and draw some mangas instead. In the end, I actually done a short story of a manga, I created it myself, and it's two and half pages of A4 paper already. If this drags down, it'll probably become a book.
If it's really confirmed, then I will need a luggage. Two of my luggage which stored most of my clothes; house clothes and miscellaneous, are all in my cousin's two small hand-carry luggage. I wouldn't bring them along with me, since it's theirs and I have to give them back everything. The iron, the hairdryer, the fan are all theirs which I borrowed. Although the cloth hanger is not included, Mel sis bought it for me, and she asked me not to pay her. I despise myself of people buying things for me, but it can't be helped, since this way of life is too frustrating. No one actually understand what I think. Even though my mum boasted she knew what I always think of, she's only partially right. Sometimes, it also might be some coincidences.
So the conclusion is trust yourself. I can't not trust other people, 'cause that is what I always rely on since young, trust people. Now, I will learn to look through people who are trustworthy.
Naw, what am I writing? It sounds so mushy, yuck!
Alright, that's the end of story.
p.s I am freaking obsessed by SPYAIR right now. IKE is so cute! Ha!
another p.s I just opened MySpace. I have 38 friend notifications and 5 messages. Cool. I am going to add SPYAIR as my friend. And it's approved! In less than 10 seconds. Well, he's online.
the fourth I am currently reading new manga. 青野の祓魔師 (AO NO EXORCIST); ao means blue. It's really good. I watch it too. Only the first episode. I don't have the capacity to download the rest of the episodes. Maybe it's better. I will wait till it's until episode ten and I get to watch them all in one go after my course finished!
the fifth I actually made a wordpress blog. But I haven't written anything yet. I plan to use this as my daily life diary, and that wordpress for anime, manga. yosh, it's settled! I will start decorating that blog... not now. Later after my course is finished..... zzz.zzz
the sixth Alright, sorry for dragging it until the fifth and now the sixth.. but I kinda remembered what I wanted to type down in this post when I am reaching the end, it's my habit. I am going to attend the graduation ceremony of last year's course tonight. And fuck it, why must it be night? And on weekday of all? Fuck it, screw it.
By the way, it's 10:30 now. I have been doing this for .... minutes....hours.. count it yourself.
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